Partners Bank Awards Scholarships to 22 High School Seniors in Maine and New Hampshire
Partners Bank scholarship recipients from Sanford High School & SHS Regional Technical Center with Partners Bank President and CEO, Blaine Boudreau.
Left to Right: Blaine Boudreau, Taylor Whitten, Josh Werner, Daylin Soule, Kurtis Voter, Andrew Auger
SANFORD, Maine— With the beginning of a new school year, Partners Bank announces they have once again stepped up to support the pursuit of higher education in our community. Last June, Partners Bank awarded a total of $24,000 in scholarships to 2022 graduating high school seniors in Maine and New Hampshire that have now begun their post-secondary educations.
A total of 22 students from Bonny Eagle, Massabesic, Noble, Portsmouth, Sanford, Seaborn Regional, Wells and York High Schools and Sanford Regional Technical Center were selected by each school’s administration based on academic achievement and financial need to receive an award. Students were each awarded scholarships in the amounts of either $1,000 or $2,000.
Partners Bank President and CEO, Blaine Boudreau, met with five of the six recipients from Sanford schools in July to congratulate them on their awards. “It was great to meet some of our recipients and to learn more about their future endeavors,” Boudreau says. “We are proud to support these young individuals from our community as they pursue further education, and we look forward to seeing all that they accomplish in the future.”
At the start of this month, students began their new chapters of education at schools that included Empire Beauty School, Husson University, University of Maine, University of New England, University of Saint Joseph, University of Southern Maine, and more. We congratulate all of our 2022 recipients and wish them the best of luck!